

The issuing bank or the confirming bank must pay the credit amount to the beneficiary, when they determine that the presentation is complying. The complying...

Description of Goods is in Conflict with Other Documents Discrepancy

The packing list is a trade document, which shows the contents of the shipment in detail and acts as a supporting document of the commercial...
packing list discrepancy example related to gross weight

Packing List and Certificate of Origin Show Different Net Weight or Gross Weight Discrepancy

Packing list and certificate of origin are two important trade documents. The packing list is a detailed listing of the contents of the shipment and...
container number discepancy

Container Number not in Accordance with the Bill of Lading Discrepancy

Container number is a unique reference number assigned to a freight container so that the container can be traced and tracked by the government...
packing list discrepancies

Packing List Discrepancies

Packing list is a commercial document, in broad perspective. It is a detailed listing of the contents of the shipment and acts as a supporting...
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