Home Letter of Credit Basics How to Work With a Letter of Credit

How to Work With a Letter of Credit

To Order and Blank Endorsed Bill of Lading

To Order and Blank Endorsed Bill of Lading

Bill of lading, which is a transport document used in international trade, is an authentic receipt delivered by a carrier, confirming that the goods...
Reimbursement and Reimbursing Bank

Reimbursement and Reimbursing Bank

What Does Reimbursement Mean? Reimbursement is defined as a compensation paid to someone for an expense. In order to be reimbursed by another person or organisation,...

How to Check a Letter of Credit as an Exporter?

Documentary letters of credit are internationally recognized instruments that help ensure the creditworthiness and payment of the overseas parties you’re trading with. Letter of credit...

How to Cancel a Letter of Credit?

According to the letter of credit rules, a letter of credit should be issued in an irrevocable form, as a result it cannot be...
Latest Date of Shipment and Expiry Date

What Does Latest Date of Shipment and Expiry Date Mean in a Letter of...

On this post, you can find explanations regarding the latest date of shipment and expiry date. If a letter of credit requests presentation of a...
How Does a Negotiable Letter of Credit Work?

How Does a Negotiable Letter of Credit Work?

What Does Negotiation Mean? Negotiation means the purchase by the nominated bank of drafts (drawn on a bank other than the nominated bank) and/or documents...

How to Complete a Bill of Lading under a Letter of Credit Payment?

Bill of lading is a transport document covering the carriage of goods by sea. Letters of credit rules define 4 different types of bills of...
What does "with recourse" and "without recourse" mean in international letter of credit transaction?

What Does “With Recourse” and “Without Recourse” Mean in International Finance?

Recourse means the right to claim a refund of an amount paid in connection with the negotiation of a documentary credit or the discounting...

Top 10 Letter of Credit Discrepancies

Discrepancy can be defined as an error or defect, according to the issuing bank, in the presented documents compared to the documentary credit, the...
shipping marks

Shipping Marks

Packages, which are subject to international transportation, must be spotted and recognized at a distance with ease. Exporters and carriers add some sort of identification...
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